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The western border of Yngve´s garden is running along the street, or rather country road. It became more like the street now because it had got asphalt. The road is sloping and the garden is sloping too, toward the road. On the slope the roses were planted once - Rosa rugosa, simple and fully double, of crimson colour. They were not in god condition and I was tired to see them. It was untidy there, many weeds and stones. In the spring 1996 I had taken away most of the old roses, pruned the rest of them and ordered new, 14 varieties, mostly of rugosa  hybrids, and some others, like R.pimpinellifolia (spinosissima), 'Susanne', hybrid from Canada. I have built some terraces using excavated stones.
I planted the roses, some small conifers, perennials, alpines and bulbs as well.  

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Terraces with newly-planted roses, September 1996
1997, June ,
 in  foreground you can see 
'Susanne' in bloom
Terraces in June 1998, crimson flowers that is Sapponaria ocymoides
Right: The rose 'Susanne' in May 2000 
Terraces in May 2000 - extremely warm and sunny that year. You can see the rose 'Susanne' in full flourish
On the north side of the house there was almost only rocks and I thought, from the beginning, that  something must be changed. On the Page Garden2 It was showed what I did there in 1997 and 1998. But small changes were done much earlier and later as well - I mean some beds on the  small depression in the rock. There I have made Dahlia beds. And other, not really so small  - I had built sorts of terraces on the slope which I called for 'Balconies' (Balkonger). I built sorts retaining  stone walls on the slope (without foundation - it was not possible on the rock) and filled in with soil. On the 'first balcony' I planted already in 1995 some heathers, tulips a.s.o. and in October 1997  a rose, 'Freisinger Morgenröte' - besides,  every summer I planted there summer flowers, mostly dahlias.

On the other balcony some sorts of Brooms 
(Citisus and Genista) were planted, as well as small, low bushes and perennials. Later there was planted a ground-cover rose, 'Bassino'.

In the spring 1997 also other the raised beds has been created without any stones around, there were simply built of the soil on the very shallow depressions in the rock so the small "hills" raised. One of them, built almost in the middle of the area, is showed on the last picture to the left. I called it 'The Windy Hill' (Vindkullen). The second "hill" there is 'The Birch Hill', on the right pic.

To see 'The North Side' developed after 2000 click here 

Click on the pics to see them in right size, more pictures and descriptions. 
This page was last updated on: 2 August, 2024
The bed at the rock edge - in May 1998.  The woodland was later made down, backwards 
The same bed in July 1998
Terraces I called for 'Balcony' - April 1998
The same terraces ('Balcony') in July 1998
To The North Side 1995-2000
The North Side '('Norrsidan') in  1995
The beds with Dahlias made in 1996. Here in August
The North Side in March 1996
So it looked like in  March 1998
'Balcony' in May 2000
The North Side in 1998, the rose is  blooming
Landscape with the raised bed 'Vindkulle' June 2000
Papaver orientale 'Queen Alexandra Salmon'  in June 2000
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